David Silva Apango

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Bachelor degree


Despite having studied Python in my Computational Physics subjects, I intended to increase my knowledge of this programming language. In an extracurricular course at FCFM in which advanced concepts of Python were reviewed.

Python course certificate
Python course certificate received at FCFM-BUAP.

Centro de Investigaciones en Óptica (CIO)

I participated in the Summer of Scientific Research of the Mexican Academy of Sciences (AMC), this allowed me to satisfy my curiosity about optical fibers at the CIO. In this program I investigated the modes of propagation of light in optical fibers.

Participation certificate of the AMC
Participation certificate of the AMC to the Summer of Scientific Research.

Telescope Presentation

I was invited by MC Rafael Silva Íñiguez to present the telescopes of the Gral. Lázaro Cárdenas del Río High School (BUAP) on the night of the stars 2011. These telescopes were built in a pilot program by a group of students from the aforementioned high school. It is in this event when I began my outreach presentations in science.

Blue Telescope
Newtonian Telescope Mount.

Participation in congresses

Participation in OPTICA (Formerly OSA, Optical Society of America)